Software Developments 

Server Administration 

Networking Administration


 About Us

Computer Centre (CC) is responsible for maintaining the software developments, central computing and networking infrastructure of IIT Tirupati. The computing facility primarily involves PC and workstation labs running both general and special-purpose software which used for holding lab classes of different departments. Networking services provided by CC includes wired and wireless internet access spanning the entire institute, a centralized mail messaging service, and several other ancillary services.

 Cyber security awareness

Cyber security awareness refers to how much end users know about the cyber security threats their networks face and the risks they introduce. End users are considered the weakest link and the primary vulnerability within a network. We (the Computer Centre at IIT Tirupati) maintain firewalls, security measures under 24x7 surveillance to protect our networks, domains, and computers from external threats and reduce vulnerabilities. Being that end users are a major vulnerability, technical means to improve security are not enough, Computer Centre would like to share the below documents to gain Cyber Security Knowledge and stay alert from Cyber Threats.

 Cyber security awareness